Jackson Hotel Management | Third-Party Hotel Management Company
Categories | All | Blog Posts Author | Brent Jackson, President I am proud that I was asked to serve the IHG Owners Association (OA) Emerging Leaders Network (ELN) as Chair in 2020. In my role as Chair, I was given the opportunity to collaborate on an article in Issue 4/2019 of OWNER magazine titled "Hitting The Mark: ELN's Influence Continues To Grow". If you, or anyone in your organization, is an IHG Owners Association member under 40 who might be interested in joining ELN. Please comment or contact me. More information about the Emerging Leaders Network can be found at their LinkedIn Showcase page, or at the IHG Owners Association website. Thank you to Editor In Chief, Susie O'Connell, and the OA team for the opportunity to showcase ELN to the broader OA membership through this medium. 2019 Association Chairman, Kurt Furlong, gave ELN a wonderful shoutout in his column on page 6. Check that out, then flip over to page 27 for a full article about ELN, the group's history, and the group's vision for the future. "We need to ensure the Association is positioned for even greater future success. We believe in the Association’s goals and objectives, and we need to populate it with sharp, dedicated leaders who will carry that on in the years to come,” Jackson says. Comments are closed.